A Summer Arrest in Old Manali

Manali is always been a best holiday destination for all the nature lovers. I have been to this beautiful valley many times and my favourite trip always ends to be in the lap of nature where I have no plans and relax every day. Since it is one of the most spectacular destinations in India, it may seem burdensome not doing anything. But for those nature lover who comes to Manali to find peace, may be next time doing nothing will only add to its charm.

Listen to the River River Manalsu hems Old Manali on one side. In its origin, this river is quite aggressive, though it tames down by the time it reaches the Old Manali Bridge. The water is clear, magnificent and accessible for travelers.

Great Cafe and Cafe 1947 offer spectacular prospects of the river. The former is where the river is at its full flow, loud and wild. It turns mature and comparatively quiet by the time it reaches Cafe 1947. I got myself a table outside, asked for a wine and sat for hours at Great Cafe riverside. The only thing I recall from those hours is the peace that the sound of the water brought to me. Sitting besides the riverside and listening to the mesmerizing sound of river gives you the eternal tranquillity.

Meet the deodar trees The Nature Park situated near the Old Manali Bridge provides an exceptional experience of walking through the deodar forest. Any photograph of Manali has the gorgeous deodar in it. I was dazzled by its beauty!


In my course of walking through this stunning forest, I saw some tiny plants on my pathway, other varieties of trees and the River Beas. The Park is quiet and therapeutic. Having absorbed sufficient amount of nature, I left the Park feeling fresh and happy.

Unroll with strangers The best conversations are effortless, humorous and unforgettable. Even though Manali is a great place to meet fellow travellers, most of them tend to drift towards Drifters’ Inn and Cafe in Old Manali.

The cafe here is cosy and very welcoming. It brings in a major percentage of travellers passing through Old Manali. Having met some very interesting people here, I am convinced that there is something about the ambience, lights, books and music that encourages interaction amongst its guests. Mark, who works at the Inn, helped me break the ice by initiating a conversation with me. After that, I found myself talking with a group of foreign travellers and laughing aloud with them.

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