How To Train Your Boyfriend: On Taking Better Travel Photos Of You

You love your man: He’s loyal, kind, responsible, and unlike some problematic boys we know — he genuinely respects women. As if those traits aren’t already enough, you feel really compatible with him, especially since both of you share a love for travelling.

But as they say, one can never have it all. After your first trip together, you finally discover that Mr Right can’t take a decent picture to save his life — or yours! Don’t worry, ladies. I searched far and wide the world (wide web) to help you out. Here are some techniques you can do to train your man to become the best Instagram boyfriend you deserve.

1. Share your Instagram inspirations with him

Now, remember: Your boyfriend isn’t an animal. (If he acted like one, you’d rethink your relationship, right?) He’s your partner, so allow him to have his own interests and preferences. On the other hand, this doesn’t mean you can’t influence him about certain things.

If your boyfriend has an Instagram account, then you’re a step closer to exposing him to the world of #travelgoals. Recommend some of your favourite travel Instagram accounts so that he can familiarise himself with the photos you like. Allow him to develop an eye for photography in his own liberty. As soon as he’s hooked on Instagram just as much as you are, he might start volunteering to take your photos (and even directing! I swear. I’ve seen this happen with my couple friends.)

2. Send him pegs

If your man can’t be bothered with Instagram, then bombard him on Messenger instead. Send him photos of your aesthetic. Point out what specific details you like about the photos you send. Is the photo attractive to you because of how clean it looks? Does the angle make the model’s legs look longer? Do you particularly like the lighting for the photo? Did the photographer do a good job in making the shot look candid? Let him know! When he gets a visual of how you want to look like, he’ll hopefully stop zooming into your face all the time.

3. Practice, practice, practice

After giving him enough dose of inspiration, it’s time to put your boyfriend’s skills to the test. When you’re out on dates, ask him to take some photos of you. Make sure he frames the photos nicely enough to show off where you are. This way, he gets to practice emphasising both you and the scenery. Be patient with him, and ultimately, be thankful. Maybe even reward him with dessert whenever he does a good job! (Hey, if your dog deserves a treat, he does too.)

You can even ask him out on a photowalk. Doing a photowalk can be a fun and affordable way to spend time with your man — not to mention, you’ll have tons of photos to look back on when you’re old and gray!

4. Do a test shot

Now, for the actual photography session: Don’t just leave your man with your camera and expect him to adjust the aperture, exposure, and angle the camera in a way that will flatter you. Offer to take his photo first, so he gets how you want yours to turn out. Point out the details you don’t want him to miss. If you want him to include or exclude something in the background, then tell him that, too.

5. Let him take multiple photos

For more chances of winning, ask him to take multiple shots of you. There’s bound to be at least one good shot when he does this. Don’t freak out when he starts taking your photos from strange perspectives. (I have a guy friend who literally angles the camera diagonally because he thinks it’s artistic!) Just let him shoot as much as possible. Who knows? He might accidentally take a really cute candid shot of you laughing at his weird stances.

6. Review your photos together

As you pick which photos you’re uploading for Instagram, make sure to have your boyfriend by your side so you can choose a photo together. Review your photos, and let him know what works and doesn’t work. Ask him for his input, and share yours with him. If he likes a certain photo, then by all means — upload it! If it won’t fit well with your feed, you can always add it as a second photo for an Instagram carousel. Credit your boyfriend in your caption, and make sure he knows how proud you are of his efforts!

7. Give him a short photography lesson

As you review your photos, give him a quick photography lesson. Obviously, you’ll have to know the basics before you school him. So do your research, then enlighten him. Teach him the rule of thirds, the importance of good lighting (avoid shadows on the face), and talk about your best angles. You can even show him the angles that will elongate your legs or hide your belly fat. (After he fattened you up date after date, you deserve this, sis.) Most probably, your boyfriend’s going to have fun taking photos of you when he realises he can actually create illusions with a camera.

8. Have fun together

Instagram isn’t your full-time job (unless it is), so don’t get too pressured to achieve that Instagram-worthy photo. Have fun with your bae, and make sure he’s enjoying what he’s doing too. You may even go a little extra and compile all the photos he took of you, print them out, and put them in an album that you can give to him as a present. Once he sees how happy he’s made you, he’ll definitely want to keep shooting you.

Once your man knows how to take flattering photos of you, you won’t have to hide these photos away in a trunk! You’ll finally be able to share not just the photos, but also the memories that come with them, with your friends and family proudly. As blurriness or bad lighting may distract you from seeing the actual story behind a photo, having good travel pictures will let you reminisce your travels with your boyfriend better. Besides, it’s always fun to learn something new with your special one — especially when it involves travelling.

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About Author

Charmaine Acha

Author at TripZilla

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